Information on Service 'Web interface to FAI AGN observations'

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The database of Active Galactic Nuclea (AGN) photometrical observations obtained on defferent telescopes at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan since 2016. Observations were carried out in the optical range.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'AGN observations obtained at FAI'


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This service is not published. This can mean that it was deemed too unimportant, for internal use only, or is just a helper for a published service. Equally likely, however, it is under development, abandoned in development or otherwise unfinished. Exercise caution.

Other services provided on the underlying data include:

Input Fields

The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
dateObs Obs. date Epoch at midpoint of observation d time;obs.exposure
FORMAT Output format Requested format of the image data N/A N/A
hFORMAT Output format Requested format of the image data N/A N/A
hINTERSECT Intersection type Relation of image and specified Region of Interest. N/A N/A
hPOS Position ICRS Position, RA,DEC, or Simbad object (e.g., 234.234,-32.45) N/A pos.eq
hSIZE Field size Size in decimal degrees (e.g., 0.2 or 1,0.1) deg N/A
INTERSECT Intersection type Relation of image and specified Region of Interest. N/A N/A
object Obj. Object name N/A;src
POS Position ICRS Position, RA,DEC decimal degrees (e.g., 234.234,-32.46) N/A pos.eq
SIZE Field size Size in decimal degrees (e.g., 0.2 or 1,0.1) deg N/A

Default Output Fields

The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
accref Product key Access key for the data N/A meta.ref.url
accsize File size Size of the data in bytes byte VOX:Image_FileSize
centerAlpha Ctr. RA Approximate center of image, RA deg pos.eq.ra
centerDelta Ctr. Dec Approximate center of image, Dec deg pos.eq.dec
dateObs Obs. date Epoch at midpoint of observation d time;obs.exposure
imageTitle Title Synthetic name of the image N/A meta.title
object Obj. Object name N/A;src
pub_did Datalink publisherDID of this dataset N/A meta.ref.ivoid

VOTable Output Fields

The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD Verb. Level
centerAlpha Ctr. RA Approximate center of image, RA deg pos.eq.ra 0
centerDelta Ctr. Dec Approximate center of image, Dec deg pos.eq.dec 0
imageTitle Title Synthetic name of the image N/A meta.title 0
dateObs Obs. date Epoch at midpoint of observation d time;obs.exposure 0
accref Product key Access key for the data N/A meta.ref.url 1
target_ra Target RA Right ascension of an object. deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main 1
target_dec Target Dec Declination of an object. deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main 1
object Obj. Object name N/A;src 3
telescope Telescope Telescope. N/A 3
observat Observat Observatory where data was obtained. N/A;instr.obsty 3
readoutm RedaoutMode Readout mode of image N/A meta.note 3
bin Binning Binning factor N/A meta.number;instr.pixel 3
airmass Airmass Relative optical path length through atmosphere N/A obs.airMass 3
pub_did pubDID publisherDID of this dataset N/A meta.ref.ivoid 4
exptime T.Exp Exposure time. s time.duration;obs.exposure 5
bandpassId Bandpass Freeform name of the bandpass used N/A instr.bandpass 10
accsize File size Size of the data in bytes byte VOX:Image_FileSize 11
pixelScale Scales The pixel scale on each image axis deg/pix pos.wcs.scale 12
instId Instrument Identifier of the originating instrument N/A;instr 15
pixelSize Axes Lengths Number of pixels along each of the axes pix pos.wcs.naxis 15
mime Type MIME type of the file served N/A meta.code.mime 20
nAxes #axes Number of axes in data N/A pos.wcs.naxes 20
refFrame Ref. Frame Coordinate system reference frame N/A pos.frame 20
wcs_equinox Equinox Equinox of the given coordinates yr time.equinox 20
wcs_projection Proj. FITS WCS projection type N/A pos.wcs.ctype 20
wcs_refPixel Ref. pixel WCS reference pixel pix pos.wcs.crpix 20
wcs_refValues Ref. values World coordinates at WCS reference pixel deg pos.wcs.crval 20
wcs_cdmatrix CD matrix FITS WCS CDij matrix deg/pix pos.wcs.cdmatrix 20
bandpassUnit Bandpass unit Unit of bandpass specifications (always m). N/A N/A 20
bandpassRefval Band Ref. Characteristic quantity for the bandpass of the image m instr.bandpass;stat.median 20
bandpassHi Band upper Upper limit of the bandpass (in BandPass_Unit units) m instr.bandpass;stat.max 20
bandpassLo Band lower Lower limit of the bandpass (in BandPass_Unit units) m instr.bandpass;stat.min 20
pixflags P. Flags Flags specifying the processing done (C-original; F-resampled; Z-fluxes valid; X-not resampled; V-for display only N/A meta.code 20
coverage Coverage Field covered by the image deg N/A 20
owner Owner Owner of the data N/A N/A 25
embargo Embargo ends Date the data will become/became public a N/A 25

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