Information on Service 'FAI Calibration Data for 50 cm Meniskus Maksutov telescope'

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This service collects plates taken for calibration purposes on FAI's 50 cm Meniskus Maksutov telescope. Calibration frames are used for correction and enhancement of astronomical images. They allow the conversion of optical densities of an image into relative intensities and subtract the background radiation, making the data suitable for scientific analysis.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'Archive of the FAI 50 cm Meniskus Maksutov telescope'


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1950.01 1991.6

This resource is not (directly) published. This can mean that it was deemed too unimportant, for internal use only, or is just a helper for a published service. Equally likely, however, it is under development, abandoned in development or otherwise unfinished. Exercise some caution.

Other services provided on the underlying data include:

Input Fields

The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
dateObs Obs. date The date of observation from observational log. (Y-M-D .. Y-M-D) d time;obs.exposure
exptime T.Exp Exposure time from observation log. s time.duration;obs.exposure
telescope Telescope Telescope from observation log. N/A

Default Output Fields

The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
accref Product key Access key for the data N/A meta.ref.url
accsize File size Size of the data in bytes byte VOX:Image_FileSize
dateObs Obs. date The date of observation from observational log. (Y-M-D .. Y-M-D) d time;obs.exposure
exptime T.Exp Exposure time from observation log. s time.duration;obs.exposure
mime Type MIME type of the file served N/A meta.code.mime
telescope Telescope Telescope from observation log. N/A

VOTable Output Fields

The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD Verb. Level
dateObs Obs. date The date of observation from observational log. (Y-M-D .. Y-M-D) d time;obs.exposure 0
accref Product key Access key for the data N/A meta.ref.url 1
exptime T.Exp Exposure time from observation log. s time.duration;obs.exposure 5
telescope Telescope Telescope from observation log. N/A 5
accsize File size Size of the data in bytes byte VOX:Image_FileSize 11
mime Type MIME type of the file served N/A meta.code.mime 20
owner Owner Owner of the data N/A N/A 25
embargo Embargo ends Date the data will become/became public yr N/A 25

Citation Info

VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)